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Mars Artemis begins July 30, with preliminary results in two years


Late last year, the US Congress passed a bill approving 6.37 trillion for a new military base called the United States Space Force. On December 20, US President Donald Trump inaugurated the office. Why this space force? The demand for human rights in space is increasing day by day. Russia, China, Japan, Europe and India are constantly advancing in space science and technology. Thousands of small and large artificial satellites and rockets are being made. Gradually the sky is becoming busier. There is no land. Some millionaire businessmen are trying to sell the sky at skyrocketing prices.

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According to the 2019 report of the United Nations, the world's population is expected to reach 960 crore by 2050. 200 crore more than the current population. Compared to 1990, the population growth rate has decreased from an average of 3.2 children per woman to 2.5 children. Yet these additional 200 million people need extra food, fuel, oxygen. On the other hand, carbon dioxide will increase. Global warming will accelerate further. There will be food shortage under the pressure of inflation. So the idea of ​​astronomers, to build a second human colony on the moon or Mars. One Mars mission after another at the end of July is proof that Atimari did not stand in the way of realizing that idea. The Emirates Mars Mission to the United Arab Emirates began on 19 July with the hand of Mars on the Orbiter. The Chinese spacecraft Tianwen-1 started its journey on July 23. Then it's NASA's turn. The Artemis project is about to start. NASA's unmanned rover will land on Mars.


People first set foot on the moon in July 1989. About 26 years later, on July 5, 1997, the rover Sozner touched down on Mars. The rover is named after Isabella Bumfrie aka Sozner Truth, an American black social reformer. Sozerner's two "eyes," with which he observes the Martian soil sky, are: the Ultra Proton X-ray Spectrometer and the Imager for Mars Pathfinder. Scientists and curious people sat on the earth and saw the red soil of Mars. There are many rocky outcrops like Shark, Jogi, Bernacle Bill, Array Valley, Caspar etc. Recently in 2012, Curiosity Rover named Gail Crater on Mars. Dramatic images captured on his camera. There was enough water on Mars 3.5 billion years ago. There were mountains, fountains, rivers, lakes. Evidence of this has been found, especially in Curiosity pictures taken near Mount Shark. So maybe at one time there was life on Mars.

In 1974, a meteorological expedition to Antarctica recovered 12 meteorites. A dozen meteors came to Earth in a massive explosion from Mars 3.6 billion years ago today. Comes with some igneous rocks and carbonaceous chemicals. The most notable is the Alan Hills 74001 meteorite. NASA scientists found some calcium carbonate shells in the shape of oblong sausages like dead bacterial cells in this cosmic object weighing only two kilograms. The uproar erupted in 1998 when the news was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. If the remnants of bacteria in the meteorite are proven, the existence of life on a different planet outside the Earth will be recognized first. Building human colonies on different planets and satellites will no longer be unbelievable. But I want to build a colony.


A few days ago, scientists found ice on Mars. The air pressure on this planet is very low. So there is no possibility of finding any reservoir in an open place like the earth. If there is, it is under the ground. The mass of Mars is 9.3 percent of the Earth, and the surface gravity is 2.65 percent of the Earth. As a result, in order to live on Mars for a long time, I want the knowledge to produce the necessary food by cultivating in the environment there. On January 10, 2020, NASA announced the names of 13 people to go to Mars in the Artemis project. Among them is 42-year-old Raja Chari of Indian descent. There are 6 males and 7 females among the Mars graduates. In 2016, they were selected from 16,000 candidates and given training. It will take several months to go to Mars. So, as the first step in the journey, these graduates will orbit the moon 260,000 miles away from the earth in a 10-day mission by pressing NASA's Orion spacecraft in the Artemis 2 mission. In 2024, men and women will enter the moon together. After that more rigorous practice. After that by 2030 Mars mission. Preparations for this campaign have been in full swing since last year.

People are always curious about Mars. In Egyptian civilization, the planet was called Her Des or the red dot. The people of Babylon called Nergal or the star of death. The inhabitants of ancient Greece called it the angry star কারণ the cause of war and bloodshed. The Romans named this red dot in the sky after their war god Mars. There has been a lot of speculation in recent times about the possibility of intelligent creatures on this red planet. Nineteenth-century German mathematician Carl Friedrich Goss proposed the creation of a huge right triangular wheat field in Siberia. The purpose is to impart knowledge of mathematics to the people of the world. In 18, Giovanni Schiaparelli saw scratch marks on the Red Planet with binoculars, thinking they were drainage pipes made by advanced animals. Then the Suez Canal was just cut. Hence the naming is Schiaparally Canali. The beginning is the thrill of human well-being!

The first phase of the Artemis program will be completed on July 30. The rover Perseverance will cross Mars. According to NASA, the total cost will be 246 crore US dollars. Three landing sites have been identified in this mission. Jezero Crater, NE Certis and Columbia Hills. The most notable of them is Jezero Crater. This crater was probably formed by meteorites. About 350 million years ago, a lake about twice the size of Lake Chilka was formed by the accumulation of water in that basin. Maybe he was a Mars fish in the water. There is no water in the crater today. But fossils of an unknown creature millions of years ago may have been found in the sedimentary rocks frozen in the sediment under the water at that time. The rover mission will include crater survey as well as stone excavation. There will also be analysis with the help of advanced analyzers. Its preliminary results will be known by 2022. As a result, the tension is now at its peak.

The European Space Agency (ESA) and Russia's space agency Roscosmos were also scheduled to send a rover, Rosalind Franklin, in July 2020. But suddenly, like a hurricane, Kovid-19 turned all plans upside down. According to the new calculation, this rover will cross the path of Mars in 2022. Will reach there in 2023. Extremes have hit the economic backbone of the world. As a result, the construction of the world's most powerful space launch system (SLS) and Orion capsules for Artemis in the United States was suspended.

The timing of the first human camp on Mars in the Artemis project is also uncertain. For that, of course, the location will be selected by 2026 with the 'eyes' of the rover sent to Mars. Hopefully, this problem will be solved in that time. The economy will stabilize again.

On July 10, the United States signed a Joint Exploration Declaration of Intent with Japan. The two countries will work together on the moon and Mars missions. Advanced robots will work alongside astronauts in these missions. That is, within the next two decades, SLS will cross the Red Planet with people and cargo. Even if it is late, people's market will sit on Mars.

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