The best technology news of the day - Rover advanced to Mars mission, work form home next year, PUBG Chinese game?

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The best technology news of the day - Rover advanced to Mars mission, work form home next year, PUBG Chinese game?

The best technology news of the day - Rover advanced to Mars mission, work form home next year, PUBG Chinese game?

Google has decided to direct 200,000 of its employees to work from home by June 2021.
The remote-work order issued by Google CEO Sundar Pichai on Monday will also affect other companies owned by Google's corporate parent Alphabet Inc. This marks the six-month extension of Google's previous plan. Most of their offices will be closed for the rest of this year.

The best technology news of the day - Rover advanced to Mars mission, work form home next year, PUBG Chinese game?


This mobile game has faced controversy after Pubji became popular. After the banning of several Chinese apps recently, the question arose as to what is a Chinese app. If so, why isn't PUBG being banned?

* PUBG is the first game made by South Korea Bluehole Company.

* This game is hugely popular in India.

* When PUBG began to become popular, brand marketing and licensing from Bluehole began to spread to the Chinese market.

* Takes an alliance with Tencent to develop the game. This Tencent company is a Chinese company

After eight successful Mars landings, NASA is thinking about its ninth rover, the US space agency. The spacecraft is set to launch this week - NASA's bravest and most advanced brain Mars rover. The rover has a camera and microphone to capture the scene and sound of Mars. Its super sanitized sample return tube will pick up the stone that contains evidence of life on Mars in the past the cleanest item bound for space. This Tencent company is a Chinese company

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